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Affiliate Marketing Rules

Affiliate Marketing Rules

So you have been wanting to get into affiliate marketing, and want to know the rules. 
You have your website and or blog all set up and ready to go. You have chosen your 
niche and market that you want to promote and make money off of. You just need 
links to start making money. 

Promoting other’s services and products is not 
something that is difficult to do. However, you will find that with all of the many 
companies that offer affiliate programs, and referral options, they all have their 
own rules that you must follow. 

Affiliate marketing is pretty easy to follow, that is unless you have many different 
programs that you are a part of. When you start getting so many that you cannot 
remember the rules, or the guidelines that you have to follow, you might have 
a problem. 

This is because the rules for affiliate programs are as different as the companies. 
Each company is allowed to make their own rules. However, you might see many 
similarities. That does not mean that they are copying one another, or cloning 
their affiliate program so to speak, but yet it means that they have the same rules.

Affiliate marketing rules can be so very different. They can range from not 
mentioning the brand names that they sell anywhere on your website, to not 
have that particular market in your website URL. Because they are so different 
for each program and company that you promote, you are going to have to be sure 
that you read each one well and make sure that you understand it fully. 

If you all ready have your URL for your website, you may not be able to participate 
in some of the affiliate programs. This is because you will not meet the requirements 
for the rules.

Another rule that you are going to see often when you are into affiliate marketing 
is the page rank rule. Some of the companies that will allow you to promote their 
services or products will not want you to have a higher page rank than they do. 

Nor will they allow you to have a website that is higher in the search engine rankings. 
For example, if you were promoting coffee, and you wanted to become an affiliate 
for Folgers coffee. Your website would not be able to come up above the official 
Folgers coffee website in the search engine results when coffee, or Folgers coffee 
is used as the search term. 

The companies that have this rule in place for their affiliate marketing programs feel  
as if your website were higher than theirs for the product that they are selling, that it 
would hurt their business tremendously. And, it just might. They would rather have 
the straight sales any day, than the commissioned sales. Who wouldn’t?

Keeping a spreadsheet of the affiliate marketing programs that you are a part of and 
their rules is a great idea. This way you are never confused and know just where you 
need to stand to be a part of that program. 

This is the best thing that you can do for 
your affiliate marketing business. Not only that, you will also find that some of the 
sites that have broken rules and have been caught have resulted in law suits. 
Cover your tracks and make sure that you are following the rules that are set by 
that company for the best results.

You will also find that there is a thing that is called affiliate marketing software. 
If you can find a program that fits your needs and will help you keep everything 
straight, you may not have to worry about keeping track of them yourself. 

Use your software to keep track and make sure that you are doing your affiliate 
marketing the right way. Your efforts will pay off eventually, and you will be glad 
that you went by the book and followed the necessary affiliate marketing rules.

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